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acidity- Swarn AyurvedaAccording to Ayurveda acidity is known as Amlapitta which is one of the most common symptom (disease) seen and faced by people in the society. In acidity, pitta dosha is much more involved in comparison to vata & kapha dosha.

Acidity comes under Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD). This problem or a disease happens when acid in the stomach regularly flows back into the tube connecting your mouth and stomach (oesophagus). People suffering from acidity experiences acidic reflux.

Acidity commonly results to heartburn. Hydrochloric acid is present in the stomach which helps in the efficient digestion of food and protect the growth of unwanted bacteria. So when there is an excessive production of this acid leads to the disturbance in the gastric glands of stomach.


  • Eating heavy meals close to bedtime
  • Highly spicy food
  • Life style
  • Consumption of beverages such as alcohol, coffee, tea, and carbonated drinks
  • Smoking
  • Anti-inflammatory medicine and some of the antibiotics
  • Being Pregnant
  • Stress and tension


1. Ulcers

Due to over secretion of gastric juices, there is the disruption in the lining of the upper part of small intestine. In some cases, ulcers can be the cause of cancer.

2. Dyspepsia and heart burns

Dyspepsia is the narrowing of the esophagus which creates the sensation of food being stuck in the throat. It occurs after taking meals and is brought by excess abdominal pressure. In acidity one has to face burning sensation in the chest, burping and sometimes leads to chest pain.


  • Nausea
  • Burning sensation in the chest
  • Burping
  • Vomiting tendency
  • Chest pain
  • Sensation of a lump in your throat
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Bloating
  • Severe pain in the stomach
  • Difficulty in breathing when acidity is at the acute stage
  • Due to hyper acidity there is erosion of gum and teeth
  • Bad breath


    • Diagnosis is done through x – ray technique to check the complications in the esophagus. In this process, barium swallow radiograph is used which helps in monitoring of esophagus.
    • Endoscopy is used to diagnose the problems in the esophagus. Small tube with a camera through the mouth is inserted in esophagus.
    • In Biopsy there is the removal of small piece from the lining of esophagus for diagnosis purpose. This procedure is done to identify any underlying cancer.
    • Esophageal manometry is also done to diagnose acid reflux. In this case, narrow tube is inserted into the stomach through esophagus to check out the proper functioning of esophagus.



Acidity in Ayurveda is the production of Ama (toxin) in the body which results in the sourness and heat in body. In Ayurveda cause of acidity is due to pitta dosha. When kapha is associated with aggravated pitta, acid starts effecting esophagus. Aggravation in the doshas is due to eating spicy and sour food, smoking and excessive consumption of tea, coffee, sleeping immediately after meal, stress and anger.


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